
Louise Fletcher

Helping people make the changes they need to live rich, meaningful lives is incredibly rewarding. I believe in evidence-based practice and that psychologists should only utilise methods and treatments that are solidly based on science.

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What role do emotions and memory play in ADHD? 

Our ability to control our reactions and manage our emotions can be challenging on any given day, let alone trying to remember everything on our to-do list as well. For those who are neurodivergent, managing how we feel and retain information can be challenging as our main ‘management system’ in charge of memory and emotions may function differently. In this article, we will begin to understand why this may be occurring and explore ways to cope and navigate life’s challenges with a little more ease.

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Embracing Mindfulness to Soothe Anxiety

Mindfulness is a practice of paying attention to the present moment with openness and curiosity. It can help reduce anxiety and depression by breaking the cycle of negative thoughts and emotions, enhancing self-awareness and acceptance, and improving coping skills and resilience. In this article you will learn more about strategies to integrate mindfulness into your life. 

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Please note: Psychologists primarily use therapy and behavioural interventions to help individuals cope with emotional and psychological issues. They do not prescribe medications.